ActivSkin uses materials & raw ingredients that are kind to you and the planet. This complements our focus on plant-derived cosmetic ingredients which support sustainable products, fair trade and the global trend towards organic and safe goods.
Understanding the necessity of protecting the skin from the harsh effects of our African climate and Wayne’s love for off-road cycling, inspired him to develop a functional range that would protect the skin from every day, inevitable damage.
The formulation of these products is a reflection of Wayne’s philosophy of investing in your skin for the long haul. We know it takes time to reap the rewards; one won’t see the results instantaneously. As in any long-term ‘investment’ whether it be health or wealth ` with constant practise – the results will be inevitable.
Wayne’s trusted friend and cycling partner, Dr Brandon Head MD & Sports MD has collaborated with ACTIVSKIN to share his professional views & recommendations. His equal passion for keeping fit and healthy is a fundamental aspect of him coming on board.